Can Kratom Be Used to Treat Diabetes?

Kratom has been used traditionally in Thailand to treat diabetes, Type-2, so why isn't the powerful and wealthy pharmaceutical industry looking into this?

A new Youtube VIDEO has appeared, saying "the FDA and experts say there's no proof that kratom can do that."

Ask yourself this, "Why should the pharmaceutical industry fund research to see if kratom might be useful in treating diabetes, when they already have drugs on the market (that they've spent millions or billions of dollars to create) that are earning them a handsome income now and for decades to come?

It is useful to learn some simple questions to determine the truths that explain why things are said in a certain way. Hopefully, we already know this, but it bears repeating: "Follow the money trail -- Is there a financial reason motivating the speaker?"

In the case of whoever made this video commercial, there certainly is a motive. It is a very impressive piece of propaganda to dissuade the public from looking further into the science that is beginning to emerge, supporting -- for now -- that kratom's traditional uses in Thai herbal medicine may, indeed, have little addictive potential and might be a useful treatment for opioid withdrawal -- just as its traditional use suggests.

It also suggests that Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner's assertion that kratom is an opioid may have some truth to it, without mentioning that recent research tells us that kratom is only a partial opioid agonist and acts by a significantly different mechanism (w/o the deadly side-effects of opium poppy-derived drugs). Ah, but never let the facts get in the way of a powerful sound-bite, right, Dr. Gottlieb?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has seen sufficient evidence to provide millions of dollars to research kratom's safety and determine if the use of this popular herb is actually effective, as many of its millions of U.S. consumers testify it is.

Statements asserting that "there is no proof" that something is true or not begs the questions, "Has anyone even looked into creating proof?" And, furthermore, "What are the financial incentives to look -- or not to look?

The pharmaceutical industry has the money to fund the research, but WHY should they when they are already making a huge lifetime income from this widespread and growing condition, Diabetes? Big Pharma seems to prefer to refrain from informing the public about how they could live healthier lives, while they smile all the way to the bank!

Most of us know that there is no money to be had in curing a disease -- and certainly not in letting the public learn that an inexpensive herb might be useful in treating any disease symptoms!

We, in the Western industrial countries are often encouraged to look with distrust (and disdain) at the traditional herbal practices of so-called Third World nations like Thailand, but why would these people continue to use this herb for centuries if it wasn't producing some benefit?

(Of course, Big Pharma is not averse to "pirating" the herbal traditions of nations like Thailand to create new drugs like Oliceridine that have the FDA's expensive blessing!)

Fortunately, the doctors at the Dept. of HHS and National Institute of Drug Abuse see some potential benefit for answering these questions, even if Big Pharma doesn't.

Visit the American Kratom Association to learn what honest scientific research has learned about kratom. Hopefully, Congress will someday decide to fund research whether kratom may actually be useful in treating insulin resistance, the problem at the heart of Type-2 Diabetes.

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Oct 02, 2020