I’d like options on the inform

I’d like options on the information in this article, which basically states all kratom is the same and farmers do not separate leaves, just dry bunches differently. I’ve heard it before.


@Julieanne-Marie-Klinger You are def correct. Consider this, 1 average sized fresh leaf is equivalent to around 1g of dried powder. SO they are saying they separate 1k leaf for 1kilo of powder that they will sell for $5-15 to a reseller that then sells it to a reseller to then ship to the usa. EH Prob not. That is quite a lot of time and effort for low return. And considering that prices a few years ago were substantially lower then they are now with some vendors selling kilos for $100+. In my eyes it is highly unlikely. 

@guywithtrees ...and the vendors who photoshop their many vein colors from the same stock photo.....red, green, white, pink,  etc.....  SUPER GREEN

                         SUPER RED                         SUPER PINK                            SUPER BS

I meant opinions, not options. 


 So you’re saying that leaves of different colors, at different stages of maturity,  are harvested all together, then separated for different drying techniques? Wouldn’t that mean that even off your personal trees you would pick green, white and red, then do a batch of fermenting leaves of different stages of maturity, sun drying another group of mixed leaves, etc?

Very, very unlikely that anyone is separating leaves by vein color. Here’s a great thread created by the owner of TFH that he posted on the double m herbals site. His first post after the intro deals with vein colors. 


@Julieanne-Marie-Klinger I agree. When I look at one of my ki's packing, it's a vacuum~packed marvel of value really.  1000 dried ground leaves (prolly unsorted for color), 1000 grams or 100 soothing cups of tea, for 50 CENTS A CUP   🍵

 .... yeah, its cheaper by the pallet!