back online folks! This outrag

back online folks! This outrage lined right up with some updates i planned on pushing out today but appears to be unrelated at this time. Taking some steps to make sure if there is a future issue we can get back up within 20 or so minutes. 


thank you, sir.  I thought I crashed it with the family photo 😖

 kids n granduns

@peteypyro aww that's so cute. Look how they all bunched up for the photo lol jk

the colors and tended landscaping is seriously eye catching.  The colors your camera gets out of beautiful landscapes is amazing.  I can’t get a proper photo of ANY THING.  Much respect and appreciation! 

@Laurie.   thank you. It's just a phone camera with a relic of a wizard behind it. 🧙‍♂️

the outage was an outrage indeed. Gotta love autospell

Those outages are always an outrage, so I certainly saw no reason to correct that line!

We get them - or threats of them - every time it’s windy now.  Kinda scary because it’s usually too hot or too cold when those winds are blowin’!

Are power lines above ground there as well?  Just curious.  

Tell the wizard we like the photos 😉