Hi everybody!! So here's the d

Hi everybody!! So here's the deal I do not use kratom however I happen to have taken pocession of a storage unit with TONS of indonesian kratom powder. All labeled most maengdas,bali, Vietnam different viens including white,yellow,green,red. I've spent hours,days and weeks researching and having them lab tested and even user tested. Next step is to get rid of this product preferably whole sell. Please no trolls or negative comments im just looking for help.

Hey erica! Welcome to the kratom watchdog app! I don't think you will get many negative comments here as our community is quite welcoming. I do think some pictures of of the product and lab results would go a long way to proving your legitimacy as you are a new user. Do you have a website and price sheet as well? 

I will go take pictures. I have a whole storage unit. A family member of mine had a kratom business online and was very successful but after I took possession of the unit and everything inside I don't have time to package small amount for individuals like he did and would rather just try to sell larger amounts so that i may empty the unit. I only know what my uncle values it at. Thank you for the help.


Is this the storage locker kratom in South Carolina that a guy named Phil was trying to sell earlier this year?

No and yes. So the whole unit was my uncles kratom but he did purchase 1 ton of Phil's kratom but I have more than 100 tons that my uncle bought straight from Indonesia.

and Phil's kratom turned out to be another guys named yossi