Hey #kratomapp community! We a

This here relic had a Commodore (6400?) and Atari(2600?)  iirc. They are considered by some to be collectors items these days. 😉

@peteypyro I know @will really wants to get a real one. I think he has a vic 20 tho. I think hes missing the tape deck for it.  

this has been something to build this out. It's main function is to show others the dangers of deforestation, and encourage virtual seeding and planting in game which happens to be multiplayer.

All too often the real effects of kratom regulation on actual trees is left out of the debate entirely. 

Should be fun to explore, at the very minimum it will be a place to have instantaneous chat, and it will be somewhat integrated into this app, so you won't have to install anything extra!

last edited by will

I would like to become a exclusive beta tester.


Im going to give you your own area and call it the room. 

I would like to beta test. 

I prefer icebreaker.  He’ll with progress!  (I don’t cuss on public forums)

It was my favorite DOS game.  I believe it was converted to windows before the creator dropped it.  You know me, always joking around with sincerity. 

I am undecided on beta testing, since I learn a bit slower, but the concept and overall educational importance has me convinced that I’d like to try the beta testing.  

for some reason I cannot send personal messages? Every time I hit send it’s not responsive.

@guywithtrees sorry man direct messaging doesn’t seam to be working for me ..

last edited by guywithtrees

@boogaboi444 there is a bug where you need to close and reopen the page 3 times. It's best that you close out of what ever way you accessing the app. And reopen the app and try again. 

hello boogaboi444!   Thanks for sharing about pm’s not working, cuz I thought I was just not getting the new updates right!

I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @guywithtrees and our creator magnifique, @I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @guywithtrees and our creator magnifique, @wI also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @guywithtrees and our creator magnifique, @I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @I also need to turn my laptop on it’s side to have a SEND option.  But that has always been the case.  Probably why I don’t stay long...no offense because I love this app and all it DOES!  The people here are unlike any others!  Including our host, @guywithtrees and our creator magnifique, @will !

THANKS Y’all!  Special mention to @pete2000 for the insanely attention to detail and photography!

@Laurie @will is very aware of the chat bug. He will have a chance to fix it once he has the game out in public beta but that is the priority atm. He is going to be replacing the current chat system and changing it to a facebook style chat heads so it is easier and cleaner to access and use. 

I would like to test your video game!