Good morning 10:05 in Michigan

Good morning

10:05 in Michigan

I'm thinking about investing in some kratom to combat a couple drug withdrawals.

Trying to improve my life and get on the right track 💯

@Laney: Find some good quality kratom, a sample pack of green/red/white veins to see what your body likes, generally Red vein strains work best for overcoming withdrawals and green or white for energy (though some few ppl are wired differently), then settle down to do it. 

@Laney have you ever tired kratom before?

yes I have I love it

I was taking a green strain a couple of months ago

@Laney nice! How much do you normally take?

@Laney It worked for me. Relieved the rls, and paws sh!t too. Oxymorphone and hydrocodone are cruel taskmasters after 24 years. Kratom saved my life, but only cuz I wanted it to. Be well, and prosper.